Taking time out in your stressful everyday life is important for your well-being. Not only do we present you with good reasons to take small breaks in your everyday life, but we also give you concrete examples on how to enjoy more free bonus casino.
There are many good and important reasons to take time out: Whether it’s your own health, finding yourself, or that you just want to get away from the stressful daily grind. This can be short but regular time off or a longer time off.
- Strengthen your health: Do you often feel overwhelmed and constantly sick? Then it’s time for a change. Taking time off can help you regain the right work-life balance.
- Search for your own self: From time to time you develop and change. For example, this can be especially evident after breakups, moves, or a new job. It is important that you always rediscover yourself and keep your own needs in mind. Time off can help you to do this. Some people take a sabbatical and travel to discover new sides of themselves.
- Recharge your batteries: If you feel you can’t escape the hamster wheel of everyday life, it’s worth taking time out to relax. In this way, you can possibly leave the stress behind you and devote yourself more calmly to new challenges.
- Realize dreams: Some life goals are set for retirement, such as traveling the world, learning in a new field or volunteering. Yet you only live once. Take some time off and make your plans for the here and now.
Short breaks in your everyday life make you feel better. According to a study by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, regular time-outs in everyday life help you work more effectively and live a more stress-free life. They have a positive effect on your mood. We present the three most important tips for breaks in everyday life:
- Take short breaks at work: the Techniker Krankenkasse recommends taking a short break for five minutes every hour. In this way, you can not only work more effectively, but also combat your fatigue. For example, relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation, short walks or short conversations with colleagues are ideal for this short break.
- Occasional nap: Some people also benefit from a short nap. However, this should not take place every day, but only occasionally and, if possible, should not last much longer than twenty minutes. Then, according to the medical journal, it reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
- Schedule Me-Time: Outside of work, schedule enough time for yourself to pursue your hobbies and passions. This could be going for a jog. You might also like to paint or spend an evening in the bathtub.
- The important thing is to consciously schedule these times. Turn off your cell phone during these little downtimes so you’re not available to anyone and can focus entirely on yourself.